Tasha's Exhibition

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My homework

World is the place for human being and other creatures to live. Human being uses natural resources to run their activities. They utilize forest, river, sun energy, and so on. What happen if natural resources continue to be used but never think to be renewable? so disaster will be happened.

We are grade 6 students from Sekolah Pelita Harapan Bukit Sentul have a duty to think how to save our world. After long discussion, our group focuses on utilizing waste. We get this idea because we see there are a lot of waste piles in some places and always increase every day. Finally, we (Jasper, David, Natasha, Tiffany, and our parents) decide to utilize waste around us. Before doing job description, we searched information about waste. From that information, we know that waste is divided into two groups which are organic waste and inorganic waste.

Organic waste is a substance or chemical that is biodegradable can be changed back to a harmless natural state by the action of bacteria, and will therefore not damage the environment. For example; paper, leave, vegetables, fruit, and so on.
Inorganic waste is waste composed of material other than plant or animal matter, such as sand, dust, glass, plastic and many synthetics.

After that, we discussed the information and made a job description. Jasper has decided to make compost from dried leaves, David makes biomass stove, Tasha makes paper recycling and arranges it into flowers, and Tiffany does plastic recycling to make plastic bag. We are doing our experiment by ourselves at home but every week, we share our idea and experiment during UOI time and also have a meeting at Jasper’s house.

At this time, I would like to tell you about my experiment which is paper recycling. Paper made from wood. To produce paper for human activities, the owners of paper factory need lots of logs which they get from cutting the trees from the forest. Imagine, How if this problem is happened every day so disaster such as; flood, landslide, pollution, and many other thing will happen. It is very harm for human being and other creature. Not only based on this situation but also when I saw a lot of paper piles on my mother’s desk and my father’s desk. When I asked them about that paper, both of them said that they will throw them after the both side were used. Finally, I got an idea to make paper recycling and arrange them become flowers.

The purpose of making art work such as; flowers from paper recycling is besides save the forest, I also want to give skill for other people who live in financial difficulty around my area. If they can make good paper recycling and have high creativity, they will create a job field at least for him or her. The result of paper recycling can be made as flowers, photo album, books, sandals, paper warping gift. My target to teach this skill is to housemaid and teenagers who live around my area.

Paper Recycling Time Line
Day/ Date
Activities Plan
12 – 21 March 2007
Discuss some information about our project in a group

22 March – April 2007
Determine each person’s duty
Collect information from various resources
Do experiment of paper recycling
May 2007
Share each person’s experiment
Collect all experiment and record them on multimedia technology
Submit the paper to our teacher
Exhibition day

Process and Journal
During 12nd – 21st March 2007, I searched information from internet, book, and personal interview. After gathering all the information, I was helped by my mother to start preparing all the things needed by making a list. I collected unused paper from my father and my mother. I asked my friend’s father to make wooden frame. The day after, my mother and I went to the art shop to buy all the things needed such as; thin wire, thick wire, green sticky paper, and pistil.

22nd March – April 2007 is the experiment day for making paper recycling. I tore some papers into small pieces and soak them into water for about one day. After that, took two glasses of paper and added three glasses of water and blended them until like paper porridge. Put them in a bucket, added starch and mixed them. The use of starch is to help bind the fiber. After that I added red, green, and yellow dye. The next step is I laid a cloth on wooden frame and spread the paper porridge. I dried the paper porridge under the sun light for two days. I took off the paper porridge from the cloth. I made four colors which are white, red, yellow and green.

23rd April 2007
At this time I started making flowers. Materials needed are scissors, thin wire, thick wire, pistil, green sticky paper and paper recycling.
Here are the procedures in making flower:
Cut the paper recycling based on your wish and cut them as sepal shape
Cut the thick wire for 25 cm long
Put pistil and bend it 2 cm before the top of the wire
Arrange the sepals one by one using thin wire
bend all the thick wire using green sticky paper
Put green leave (from recycle paper) in the middle of the wire
Arrange all the flowers that you have in a vase
To make colorful and beautiful flowers, I made a lot different color of paper recycling.

April 29th 2007
I asked teenager who live near my house area to come to my house on Saturday to give training about making paper recycling and flowers. At that day, I gave explanation How to make paper recycling and arranged them into flowers. All materials needed are prepared by me. For this training, they only took three hours because I already prepared the dry paper recycling. When the time of flower arrangement, they were very excited and could make three beautiful flowers of each person. Even though they had to face some errors but they never gave up. Finally, they were satisfied and brought the flowers to show to their parents and friends.

This pictures show when I taught the teenagers making paper recycling from unused paper to flowers.

My experiment of paper recycling didn’t go smoothly. I faced three errors, and finally I could make it at the third trail, even though the result is not good as the paper recycling which is sold at the art shop. But, personally, I am satisfied enough with what I have done.
The first trial:
I read a book and I did according to the book but I didn’t use the measurement of each material because it didn’t write on the book. I did my experiment according my feeling and at this time I used “fox” glue. I could make it but it wasn’t perfect. The paper was too thick and it was hard to fold.

The second trial:
I still used the first steps but now I changed the “fox” glue with starch. Finally the paper was more flexible and easy to be folded but there were so many clumps around the paper.
Before I continued doing the third experiment, my mom helped me to ask this problem to Ibu Lisa (Design Technology’s teacher for MYP) because she has experience doing this experiment. She said that cassava powder should be made by pouring cool water first and after that was mixed with hot water.

Third trial:
This experiment was done based on the previous experiment but the different was I did what Ibu Lisa’s told. At this time I made it and I was very satisfied with the result. After I was sure with my experiment, I started making other paper recycle using red, yellow, white, and green color.
The next step is I asked some teenager girls near my house area to come to my house but they were very shy and they refused to come. I decided to come to “Pak RT” and asked him to persuade some teenager girls and boys. Finally, they came to my house.

I get a lot of knowledge and experience from my experiment. From here, I am aware that we can use something which is nothing become something useful for other people if we are care and has high creativity to do. I am satisfied with what I have done and I can share knowledge for those who need. One thing that I got from here is never give fish to people but give fish hook for them to get food. It means if we give food for poor people, it will finish for one day, but if we give fish hook, they can get food forever.

There are some things which are good. First, I like the pictures and the relationship among teenager around my house. I like the idea of paper recycling because it is easy to find all the materials. There are also the things which should be improved such as; I should more responsible and organized with my project, I should send letter to “Pak RT” if I want to invite teenager.

If there is a chance to have another experiment, I will well-prepared for everything needed such as; multimedia, camera, handy camera and I will record the experiment completely and professionally so it will useful for other people who haven’t been invited to attend the experiment but they can watch it from VCD or DVD. I hope all the things I have done in this experiment can be useful for every body.


Carboni, G. Making and Recycling Paper at Home. Trans. Jennifer Spears. January 2005.
April 28, 2007. http://www.funsci.com/fun3_en/paper/paper.htm

Hercher, Gail. Crafting with Handmade Paper. Massachusetts: Rockport Publishers,

Paper Recycling from Trash to Treasur. 2005. April 28, 2007. www.raft.net

Schmallenbach, Mia. 101 Ideas to Save Our World. Trans. Oka. Jakarta: PT Elex Media
Komputindo, 2001

Webster’s New World Dictionary. 3rd ed. New York. Parentice Hall General Reference.

Widjaya, Lisajanti. Personal interview. April 12, 2007


Blogger CO2 gGladiator said...

Please put pictures in your blog to make it look interesting. What I mean is pictures related to your article. One more thing. If you want to state another post do not use Enter to seperate it. Please use another post so it will not take so many space and it won't look blank.

May 18, 2007 at 7:50 PM  
Blogger Jane in Java said...

There are no pictures. You need pictures so that we can see as well as read.

May 24, 2007 at 3:47 AM  

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